Weathering in the Vastness

This barn belongs to one of my closest neighbors and is part of their 600 acre dairy farm. I fell in love with them and their farm and land. The picture captures some metaphoric and literal essence of where I am at right now.
My husband and I bought a house in a beautiful location 1.5 hours north and west of where we used to live. Details about our home came to me in dreams before we had even been to the area. Though it was love at first sight with the land surrounding us,

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artArena HeidiComment
Reclaiming Humility and Humanness

In Art, Spirituality, Awakening and Life
I have lived my life from a feeling of equality with all beings and want to resurrect and make popular old-fashioned values like humility and respect. In March of 2021, I wrote about the value of promoting humble and vulnerable art. A year later I felt moved to expand what I'd written to include the realm of spiritual awakening. Through spiritual writing and teaching, I advocate for equality and integrity

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Wisdom from Imprisonment

Conversations on Ways We Imprison and Free Ourselves
Whether we are aware of it or not, most of us live imprisoned and limited lives. Our incarnation here on earth may be likened to a kind of confinement into the challenging circumstances we face. The limitations of living in a human body (which may have various illnesses and disabilities, and eventually dies!) offers valuable lessons.

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This is an old poem that I wrote in 2007. I published it to help a friend who was experiencing a deep level of failure and “falling” in his life. Perhaps you may relate to it and appreciate it also.

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Resting in Awareness and Finding God (a preview)

Embodying the Genuine in an Ordinary Life I did not expect to to discover God when I first began resting in awareness. Yet, resting in consciousness is a settling into our most basic ground of being. It is the foundation from which all else springs, so it makes sense that God would be found here, too. It is what you unravel into, when you fully let go of trying to attain any kind of special state.

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Arena HeidiComment
Surrendering to the Unknown

By Arena Heidi and Boram Kim
Peace and Reconciliation of Darkness and Light
Many think that those on a spiritual path acquire great knowledge. However, profound wisdom arises from an incomprehensible unknown and is more about letting go than attaining anything. So paradoxically, living a surrendered life involves becoming aware of how little one understands of the vast unknown through the mind

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Arena HeidiComment
Unrecognized Angel

“Light at the End of the Tunnel “ Art by Vic de Chabrier
This post is intended as a Valentine's Day gift for anyone who struggles with disability or hardship in any way. Unfortunately, most people tend to look only at the surface of things, and those with afflictions of one kind or another are often stigmatized and judged. Our culture and media often promote lies, and some famous teachers

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Presence for Small Things

Healing Embodied Powerlessness and Despair
Though I’d done enough inner work that I now felt inwardly safe and supported, my physical body still held a posture of discouragement and despair. So I ventured into exploring bodily spaces where difficult emotions were still firmly entrenched. It was not easy. I felt crazy for choosing to wander into dark issues

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artArena HeidiComment
Banquet Exhibit of Dreams

A Dream from May 24, 2020
I am visiting an enormous, infinite exhibition of dreams. A woman therapist who serves as the curator of the exhibit is showing me around. She looks like someone famous whom I have seen before but can’t quite place. The exhibit is often used as research. The woman is letting me look through the dreams to research a question that I have about them.

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Release is simply the body's way of relinquishing tension or trauma, and thus shifting to a more relaxed state of being. Some people (such as Somatic Experiencing practitioners) use the word discharge instead of release. I use the two terms interchangeably, but prefer the word release.

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how toArena HeidiComment
Practices of Embodiment and Presence

A simple daily practice of listening to my body and simply being present for it, has transformed my life more than anything else that I have done. This practice has been so vital that I feel motivated to dialogue with others about it. I established this page as a place to compile dialogue with those who have similar practices or desire to explore this terrain more.

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The Somatic Healing of Therapeutic Art

Sometimes art pieces emerge from the subconscious that act upon us in unexpected ways. An image may offer a blueprint or energetic pathway for healing trauma that has been stored in our body. Rachael and I offer our experiences with two pieces of somatic art, which reveal the importance of creative expression and a healing bodily response.

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artArena HeidiComment
Spirit Art

Explorations into Unseen Dimensions of Life and Self
We all live multidimensional lives, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Everyone has untapped potential and access to subtle realms of existence. However, many have a tendency to elevate and glorify these dimensions, or conversely ridicule and judge that which falls outside of a culturally agreed upon reality.

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artArena Heidi Comments
Unexpected Radiance

We each live a life of wholeness. Everyone receives input from their unconscious when they sleep. We cannot survive without it. Some of us, however, intentionally develop an ongoing rapport with subconscious material, while others live their entire lives without consciously drawing upon these unseen connections.

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artArena HeidiComment
Cracks in the Continuum

Diversity and the Freedom of Being Fully Seen
My life has been lived between the tension of wanting to be myself, while trying to fit in with others. Perhaps you also negotiate this delicate balance. As biological mammals, a degree of conforming to family and culture is crucial for survival. Ideally, one is raised to have both — authenticity and belonging.

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artArena HeidiComment
The Intimacy of Facing Shadow and Death

In February of 2021, I was eager to bring my Drawing into Trauma series to completion. After two plus years and 111 images, I was weary of mucking around in the angst of healing. I longed for an expansion of creativity in new directions. So I felt relieved, when this particular piece birthed forth rapidly, in a frenzy of motion that left little room for thinking.

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artArena HeidiComment
A Kind Mothering Ground

When I made this drawing in March of 2019, it represented the first significant shift in my healing process. For a number of years, I had been holding a daily foundation of presence for my body. In response to this healing work, my armoring of muscular tension had been gradually releasing.

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